How To Make Better Decisions About Creating Inclusion Where You Work

Who Is This For?

People Leaders in service based organisations with more than 500 people.- You may work in HR.
- You may work in Talent.
- You may be the Chief Diversity Officer.
Regardless of your job title.You have de facto responsibility for creating an Inclusive workplace.You want to make better decisions as you progress on your Inclusion Journey.You’ve got big plans for the future but you need to get the next few steps right.

You have specific goals You want to create a sustainable Inclusion Strategy to meet the specific needs of your organisation.You want to get leaders in your organisation to buy into a compelling vision that complements their strategic goals.You want to eliminate your fear of getting it wrong when it comes to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

I understand why this has been tough

Finding the right words can be difficult. Phrases that were once offensive now seem to be ok.The rules are changing and you are not sure how to "play the game”.

Learning feels like a challenge You want to speak up while having the space to learn.You don’t want to be called out for things you don’t understand.

It can be really stressful Mismanaging issues of Diversity and Inclusion can cause tension in the team.You want to win without the anxiety.

You Are Entitled To Feel This Way

You are not alone. I’m going to help you to put some of these fears to rest.I’ve seen this hundreds of times

You wanted to do something comprehensive but were stuck with lots of isolated initiativesYou tried to get leaders to support you and in the end you felt isolatedYou are genuinely afraid of what would happen to you or the business if you did something that might be considered risky

I know it’s difficult to admit this in public.

You should know that it’s not all your fault.

There Is A Lot Of “Bad Advice” Out There

You’re receiving conflicting messages and it’s not clear who to trust.The “Experts” don’t seem qualified:- Some are charismatic but lack expertise.- Others have a compelling lived experience but no practical experience in solving your problems.- Many have impressive unrelated credentials and lack the the depth of experience you need.

On top of that mainstream best practices don’t provide the answers you need.- Unconscious Bias Training
- Flags, Food & Fun
- A Focus on Minority Groups
There are not fit for the purpose you seek.


Evidence Based Inclusion A thorough system for making better decisions that considers:• The Scientific literature
• Data from your organisation
• The stakeholders affected by your actions
• Professional Expertise
We use this to help our clients make positive steps towards Inclusion, get everyone on their side and build confidence quickly.

The Element of inclusion

Founded by Dr. Jonathan

I'm on a mission to help a million people like you to make your workplace Inclusive

I’m Dr Jonathan Ashong-LampteyEveryone calls me Dr. JonathanI’m the Founder of the Element of InclusionWe work with organisations to make them Inclusive through, research, training and consulting.I’ve got a PhD from the London School of EconomicsThis gives me the academic rigour that my FTSE and Fortune 500 clients expect.These include Aviva Insurance, Natwest Bank, Meta, Sony Pictures International, Conde Nast, John Lewis Partnerships and Lloyds Corporation.My work has been featured in The Financial Times, Bloomberg, BBC News, Linkedin News, People Management and Wired Magazine.I have personally been developing the Evidence Based Inclusion methodology before I finished my PhDFor the past 8 years I have been refining a system that represents- Years of hard work- Field tested processes- Repeated iterations

I’ve thought a LOT about this so you don’t have to.



I discovered that something I was doing naturally through my research and client work had roots in applied medical research and practice.During my PhD I became familiar with the work of Professor Rob Briner.I was reintroduced to his work on Evidence Based Practices in Management.I realised I was already adapting these principles for developing Inclusion and it was leading to confident decision making.Evidence Based Inclusion is all about decision makingThe evidence comes from more than one source:- The research- The organisation- The people affected- The insights from your experiences and the marketYou use all of themYou need to constantly assess this in line with the specific issues you need to address in your organisationThis is how you get buy in from senior leadersIn practice we find this raises the standards for decision making in organisations.Does this mean you need a PhD or a Masters?No.It does mean you get to benefit from rigorous research, commercial expertise and apply the best bits in your work.


I used to study Philosophy.I found that everyone was so convincing, even the philosophers I didn’t agree with.I find Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is similar.So many of the experts are compelling but after billions of dollars spent across the world.We still haven’t seen the results we were promised.These narratives are even stronger on social media.So how can you decide what’s high quality or not?We employ a 6 Step Approach we borrowed from Evidence Based Practice.1 Ask
2 Acquire
3 Appraise
4 Aggregate
5 Apply
6 Assess
I want to focus on Steps 3 and 4Step 3: AppraiseUnderstand what is relevant and trustworthy.Ignore the rest.When it comes to experts I favour anyone who:- Works to a standard higher than the rest of the market- Publishes insights on your issue (formally/informally)- Avoids short term trends and fadsThese people are easy to spot if you’re actively seeking them.Step 4: AggregateThis is where you need to be methodical.Giving more weight to key data and dismissing others.You get to decide what that means based on your circumstances.Avoiding short term fads means you make practical decisions that everyone can support.It’s consistent, sustainable and rigourous.This provides a solid foundation for you to build the future you want in line with your strategic goals.Does this mean spending hours assessing content from experts.No.It does mean that once you get started.You get to decide what expertise means.


I’m not a fan of the way panel events are used as entertainment instead of education. I’m not a fan of Flags, Food and Fun as a strategy of distraction. I’m not a fan of signing up to charters and initiatives that don’t give you practical help These are best practices in the market.I don’t think they are in your best interestsOne of the 3 Biggest Problems organisations experience on their Inclusion Journey is PerformanceOrganisations struggle to articulate a business case for Diversity for their specific organisationThey struggle to understand how Diversity and Inclusion shows up for themEvidence Based Inclusion gives you the tools to answer these questions for yourself. I discovered these using an Evidence Based Inclusion Methodology and conducting over 500 interviews over 7 years in 14 countries.This is how Evidence Based Inclusion informs my best practiceDoes that mean you will ignore best practices. No. It means you’re in better position to assess what practices are worthy of adoption or adaptation.

You can make better decisions about Inclusion where you work if you choose to do the following:

1.Develop a system to focus on issues relevant to your workplace
2.Curate high quality insights to inform your ongoing development
3.Create your own best practice suitable to your specific requirements

This will provide a strong foundation to build a comprehensive strategy Leaders will buy into your vision because it will be assessed at a standard higher than most in your company. You will also eliminate your fear of getting it wrong because you will have greater confidence in everything you say.

This is something you can tackle on your own
But you’re likely to run into problems

There’s a lot of people in the market place that lack critical skills and first principles thinking. They are not committed to your long term best interests. This leads to predictable problems:- The Rhetorical Problem of Diversity and Inclusion People using emotional appeals to influence you.This can depart from common sense or undermine your values.Using guilt to motivate you isn’t sustainable.- Propaganda Problem of Diversity and Inclusion People misrepresenting information, arguments and half truths to influence you.The so called “Business Case for Diversity” has not been established in the way you’ve been led to believe.The leaders in your business instinctively know this and aren’t motivated by these claims.- Proxy Problem of Diversity and Inclusion People trying to get you to do lots of events or sign up to charters because they think that makes you inclusiveYou know it doesn’t and it’s increasingly obvious that it’s not a primary solution.These are considered to be non risky, so you’re not scared of any backlash.The problem is they’re not effective either.You can muddle your way through the rhetoric, propaganda and proxies. Or you can work with us and we can change the way you think about Inclusion forever.


You can finally get rid of that fear of getting it wrongYou can get more leaders in your organisation to buy into a compelling vision of the future.You will be able to create a sustainable Inclusion Strategy to meet the specific needs of your organisation.You will feel more confident in building positive momentum inside your organisationYou can motivate people to take personal responsibility for creating changeYou can think more precisely about what is relevant for your Inclusion needs.You can forget about expensive consultants who are not delivering on promises.It’s a lot easier than doing it on your own.Again, this is for People Leaders in service based organisations with more than 500 people.


Simply put, all we care about is getting you results, and we developed a 3 month process that really works.In Month 1We help introduce you to our Evidence Based Inclusion Methodology to complement your existing efforts and clarify your future priorities.This sets a solid foundation. In Month 2
We help you curate insights to ensure that you’re receiving high quality information that informs your ongoing decision making.
This transforms your thinking.In Month 3We help you dial in on activities to ensure you are establishing a foundation to generate the highest and best value for your organisation.This changes your behaviourThis process has proven to work multiple times over and over again.If you wanted any kind of support from a consultant for this it would cost you at least $50,000What I’m offering is fraction of that priceSo if you are a People Leader in a service based organisations with more than 500 people and your goal is to build Inclusion and you want to work with the best people in the world at this, then register now to secure your place.


3 Monthly Deep Dive Sessions :Where I take you through the steps you need to implement our key principles.- Introduction To Our Evidence Based Inclusion Methodology + Case Study - Our Real Time Curation Strategy + Case Study- How To Dial In On Your Inclusion Activities + Case Study3 Monthly Office Hours Sessions
Where you can ask me anything related to the programme.
- One For Each MasterclassDr. Jonathan's Personal Notes For 12 Months: These are my personal notes and analysis that distill the frameworks and methodologies of relevant books. You’ll get this for a year.We can only support up to 20 clients at this time, so if this feels right for you, make sure you act now or we might not be able to work with you.


Because we recently hit 10,000 followers on Linkedin we are going to do something extremely special: If you act now, I’ll include these special bonuses: The Element of Inclusion Playbook Masterclass: A Step By Step Guide For Practical Communication To Build Inclusion Where You WorkI deliver this to clients at a cost of $20,000.I will include this in the programme at no additional cost to you.The Element of Inclusion Cheat Sheets:The Fast Track Tactics For Leaders Building Inclusion At WorkOur Top 10 How To Guides According To Our Audience. They told us it saved them 000’s of dollars.This sells for $499.I will include this in the programme at no additional cost to you.The Element of Inclusion Swipe FileOur Top 50 Inclusion InsightsThese are the most popular Linkedin posts of all time.We recently hit 10,000 followers and we’re approaching 2m impressions this year.This is not available to the public.I will include this in the programme at no additional cost to you.We can only support up to 20 clients at this time, so if this feels right for you, make sure you act now or we might not be able to work with you.


The programme starts in January 2023 and you get: 3 Monthly Deep Dive Sessions :Where I take you through the steps you need to implement our key principles.- Introduction To Our Evidence Based Inclusion Methodology + Case Study - Our Real Time Curation Strategy + Case Study- How To Dial In On Your Inclusion Activities + Case Study3 Monthly Office Hours Sessions
Where you can ask me anything related to the programme.
- One For Each MasterclassDr. Jonathan's Personal Notes For 12 Months: These are my personal notes and analysis that distill the frameworks and methodologies of relevant books. You’ll get this for a year.We can only support up to 20 clients at this time, so if this feels right for you, make sure you act now or we might not be able to work with you.The Element of Inclusion Playbook Masterclass: A Step By Step Guide For Practical Communication To Build Inclusion Where You WorkThe Element of Inclusion Cheat Sheets:The Fast Track Tactics For Leaders Building Inclusion At WorkThe Element of Inclusion Swipe FileOur Top 50 Inclusion InsightsWe can only support up to 20 clients at this time, so if this feels right for you, make sure you act now or we might not be able to work with you.Register now to secure your place

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?Any leader who wants to build Inclusion within their workplace.For us this means an environment where everyone can perform, everyone can belong and everyone can reach their potential.

Who is this not for? This is not for people who are not committed to nurturing Inclusion in your workplace.This is not for people who are not willing to apply the insights providedThis is not for DEI consultants or similar freelancers not working within the organisation you want to improveThis is the real deal.Our approach is Evidence Based; if you choose to work with us, it will be a life changing decision.

When does this start?January 2023

How long does it last?12 months.The first 3 months is to set you up for successFor 12 months you will receive resources and bonuses

Why is building an Inclusive workplace important?Creating an inclusive workplace is one of the greatest challenges facing leaders in the 21st century.Billions have been spent on training and other activities.Most of it was a waste of time.Real change is going to come from Everyday Leaders like you.

Why should I listen to you? Who are you?My name is Dr. Jonathan Ashong-Lamptey.Everyone calls me Dr. Jonathan.I’ve got a PhD from the London School of EconomicsThis gives me the academic rigour that my FTSE and Fortune 500 clients expect.These include Aviva Insurance, Natwest Bank, Meta, Sony Pictures International, Conde Nast, John Lewis Partnerships and Lloyds Corporation.My work has been featured in The Financial Times, Bloomberg, BBC News, Linkedin News, People Management and Wired Magazine.You do not have to listen to me, but I’ve got a PhD in your problems and I’m on mission to help a million people like you to make your workplace inclusive.

Ok. You’ve got a PhD. Does that mean this is all theory? I need something practical. Everything I’m sharing has been tried and tested in real life in countries all over the world.Evidence Based Inclusion is all about decision makingI’m here to help you make better decisions.

Diversity and Inclusion are not part of my day job. Is this meant for me? Absolutely. You’re the person I created this for.Real change is going to come from Everyday Leaders like you.People who care about those around them and are willing to take action.You just don’t want to do it alone.That’s why I created this.

What do I actually get?The programme starts in January 2023 and you get: 3 Monthly Deep Dive Sessions :
Where I take you through the steps you need to implement our key principles.
3 Monthly Office Hours Sessions :
Where you can ask me anything related to the programme.
12 Monthly Breakdowns of Books/ Research :
These are my personal notes and analysis that distill the frameworks and methodologies of relevant books. You’ll get this for a year.
The Element of Inclusion Playbook Masterclass: A Step By Step Guide For Practical Communication To Build Inclusion Where You WorkThe Element of Inclusion Cheat Sheets:The Fast Track Tactics For Leaders Building Inclusion At WorkThe Element of Inclusion Swipe FileOur Top 50 Inclusion InsightsWe can only support up to 50 clients at this time, so if this feels right for you, make sure you act now or we might not be able to work with you.All you need to do is click Register Now to secure your place

Experts are charging $10,000 or $4,999, or even $2,999 for this kind of stuff! What's the deal?This isn't my primary source of income and my main goal is to give back to the community.I’m on mission to help a million people like you to make your workplace inclusive.Sharing my best ideas and my tried and tested resources at scale is part of that.

What's missing in this that those others charge so much for?You won't find award-winning graphic designs or any photographs of me on stage at corporate events.You won't find pages with stories about my Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 clients instead of delivering the goods.I’m not sitting in some rented luxury office.My web pages are basic and to the point.This was created by me in my home office in London simply to give you the insights you need to succeed.

Ok. What do I do next if I want to buy?Click the Register Now button below and get started today.

© Element Of Inclusion
Get The Skills To Make Better Decisions About Creating Inclusion where You Work